We at TTB Tooling are committed to manufacture superior quality and innovatively designed injection molds and plastic articles as per customer’s expectations and specified requirement at affordable cost while ensuring environmental safety and accident free workplace.
We thrive for excellence and improving continuously by adopting latest technology and Quality Management System to ensure customer satisfaction across the entire value chain.
Quality Objectives:
- To deliver works and services at highest standards as per customer specifications.
- To thrive to ensure our clients’ satisfaction and where ever possible to exceed them with quality service.
- To target for continuous improvement in all dimensions of services provided involving processes, products and services, through up gradation of technology, and operational practices there by optimizing resource utilization.
- To communicate our policies, objectives and commitment to all the stake holders across value chain.
- To create awareness on Quality, Environment, Health and Safety among all associates to carry out jobs competently, skillfully & safely and building up a zero accident work place
To become the best solution provider company in engineering of Innovative Mold making for the global Industrial Sector and consumer segment.
Passionately committed to Total Quality Solutions with continual delivery of value added services while upholding the highest ethical standards and thriving to create new Benchmark in the Mold making industry.

ISO 9001 : 2015